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OTM Endurance


On The Move is our signature outdoor workout. Participants are divided into ability groups; beginners, medium and advanced. This highly functional 60-minute session is an intense workout where you’ll be on the move from the start. 

Each class is based around the seven primal movements. PUSH, PULL, SQUAT, LUNGE, BEND, TWIST, GAIT which we use to improve strength endurance, anaerobic capacity, speed, power; aerobic capacity and recovery. 

Every session delivers maximum impact and results.

OUTDOORS OTM conditioning badge


Our conditioning sessions are a great way to develop strength, cardiovascular fitness and endurance. The session targets specific muscle groups that can’t always be hit in O.T.M.E. Utilising a combination of military training methodologies and functional fitness equipment gives a variety to each session and provides the opportunity to learn new techniques

On The Move High Intensity Interval Training (O.T.M.HIIT)

Experience an intense workout in just 45 minutes with our HIIT session. Explosive combinations of bodyweight exercises will get your heart racing and your muscles burning. Work every muscle group in every session and benefit from the afterburn effects of HIIT training, which helps burn calories for up to 36 hours after completing the workout.

On The Move Running (O.T.M. Running)

No one enjoys running the same route every night or staring at the same spot on the treadmill. When you RUN with Fortitude, every session takes you on a different journey. By developing all areas of running fitness and working with the environment, endurance is increased, and you’ll work your way through a variety of intensities.

OUTDOORS loaded badge



In the Military, loaded marching is considered a core skill and is tested annually. This form of Military Training creates robustness, endurance and resilience.

You will be coached across various terrain, tackling different intensities and speeds. At points you will be asked to conduct various functional fitness exercises either using your rucksack as a burden, your own body weight as resistance or utilising the various terrain and obstacles that we come across.  

You will be challenged; you will be pushed. 

Tough, but achievable.

OUTDOORS Troop Training badge


Utilising the basic component parts of a regular O.T.M.E session but in a mixed ability team format. Working as a team effort to achieve and complete the session aim / goal.

Building a sense of belonging amongst our members, improving team cohesion in preparation for BATTLE PT which is held on the last Saturday of every month. 

An engaging and challenging session for all.

OUTDOORS Battle PT badge


Battle PT takes place across all outdoor venues on the last Saturday of every month. 

A session run by Military Trained Physical Training Instructors. These sessions incorporate modern military methodology to test and improve your physical robustness and mental resilience. You will be expected to work hard an individual and perform well as part of a team. Fast paced, challenging sessions that are truly achievable. You will finish with an enormous sense of achievement and confidence. 

Special Ops Badge

Special Ops


The ultimate military physical training experience which will challenge our higher bibs both mentally and physically. Taking training to another level.   

Utilising methods, exercises and techniques used by the military during Battle PT, casualty evacuation and pre-deployment training.

Fast-paced with controlled aggression needed, no talking, no distractions. No time wasting or you will be told to leave. 

These will suit the most dedicated and committed.

Not for the faint-hearted, we will be pushing you to your limits.

Only book on if you intend to give 100%

Basic Training Badge


Basic Training gives all beginners the opportunity to learn about Fortitude and our training methods. When you sign-up for Basic Training you are setting yourself up for the best possible start. A 60-minute session that starts with the instructor introducing you to the training methods and programmes offered by Fortitude. Following the introduction, you will experience 40-minutes of functional fitness training that runs through the basics and how to perform the main exercises. You will also gain an understanding of exercising at various intensities and how it works for all fitness levels and training goals.


Classic Strength

If you’re serious about wanting to get stronger, then you need to learn the correct techniques and have the mobility to perform these movements effectively. Classic Strength focuses on our three big lifts, BB Back Squat, Strict Military Press & Deadlifts. Gaining confidence and strength when performing these classic lifts has massive carry-over to your other athletic training, we offer quarterly bench mark tests to ensure you continue to recognise improvements.

Circuit Training

This is an explosive strength and power workout using large compound exercises and more focused isolated movements. The tempo ensures maximum strength gains in minimal time. This strength focus is then combined with dynamic and explosive power drills in a final set of work. Combining both strength and power training methods in one session in this way primes the neuromuscular system prior to performing explosive exercises.

Hybrid Strength

Our Hybrid Strength classes take elements from both our Classic Strength & our Circuit Training sessions and bring them together so you get a great combination of High Intensity and High Volume training, in a single session, promising you a very effective full body workout that you will feel great from.


Online HITT Badge
Online Strong Badge
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Online Pilates Badge
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