There is no better experience then training in the great outdoors. Our instructors are experts in using the terrain and obstacles that come with that, making your body, your machine.

Each class is based around the seven primal movements. PUSH, PULL, SQUAT, LUNGE, BEND, TWIST, GAIT, which we use to improve strength endurance, anaerobic capacity, speed, power; aerobic capacity and recovery. Every session delivers maximum impact and results.


Our most iconic sessions are designed from our rich military heritage. These sessions incorporate modern military methodology to test and improve your physical robustness and mental resilience. You will be expected to work hard, not just as an individual but also perform as part of a team. Fast paced, challenging sessions that are truly achievable by all. You will leave your session with an enormous sense of achievement and confidence.

Don’t be put off by our military ethos, the modern armed forces train with the most up to date methods to be ready for action. We use the same methods to be fit for life. 

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When we were serving soldiers, we performed where others couldn’t, thinking outside the box, designing and building forward operating basis with the materials that we carried or found around us.

Fortitude Fitness have created our own bespoke spaces, designed to disrupt the fitness industry and reflect our military heritage.

So… Get on board with the latest intense training methodology designed to achieve results. It’s where the indoor gyms meet the outdoor bootcamps in bespoke designed strength and conditioning facilities which will revolutionise your workout routine. Track your effort, intensity, and focus on hitting your goals in every session.

Packed full of high-quality training equipment and designed for everyone, the programme will meet the needs of all abilities.

Get stronger, fitter and faster than ever before. Challenge yourself and compete with others.

Most of the classes are capped at 8 members so we can really focus on coaching correct techniques; It is like group personal training at a fraction of the cost.

Fortitude Online has revolutionised how we can train you! Now there is no excuse to miss a session with the convenience of signing in from anywhere in the world to train with our coaches.

With a variety of session types to choose from, our online programme supports our training offering and is also a powerful standalone training programme.

Each session will challenge you physically and mentally. Our highly motivational instructors will install the drive and discipline needed to overcome along with determination to never give up.

On-Demand workouts and 8+ live sessions are delivered by world class instructors who will make you go further than you thought possible.

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Personal training

Fortitude functional personal training programme involves a unique approach to one-on-one personal training. Using the most progressive and functional ideas and exercises in the fitness industry. This programme will encompass a variety of styles, movements and equipment while personalising each client's exercise prescription based upon individual goals.

Whether your goals are to lose weight, increase strength and tone, improve cardiovascular insurance, sport Pacific, to prevent and or rehab and injury and ordered to improve your overall general health our programme pacifically caters a fitness programme just for you.

Out dynamic, fun, and go orientated workouts combine flexibility, call stability, resistance training, functional movements and strength workouts to individually set you up to succeed. The main benefits of training programme include increasing lean body mass and increasing metabolic and cardiovascular efficiency while decreasing body fat.

Well being fun energetic each one on one personal training session will be efficient and effective in reaching any individuals goals. While exhibiting efficiency the trainer will get to the heart of your goals and you will be given a style and exercise prescription to create improvement effectiveness will be shown by reaching your short and long term goals like each of our clothes we want to see a positive initial improvement in mood and performance.


Sports team training

Specialised fitness boot camps for sports teams and club. Would your team benefit from a kick start to their fitness ready for the season, to get them back in shape, to keep the fitness up and improved team cohesion?

Bespoke days in sessions designed around your teams requirements with a highly qualified Hardy motivational and ex military physical training instructors.

Sports Team Days

Cohesion building days

Alka hesion building days your team will be working together towards a common goal. Much like a business. We have extensive team building experience which enables us to tailor activities to similar to the objectives of your business. With a range of adrenaline fuelled events to choose from mix with military style physical training and endurance as well as cinemas talking about stress management and nutrition. Your team will have a day that they will never forget.

Cohesion building days


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